2007 m. gruodžio 16 d., sekmadienis

Criminal Law

Crime is an illegal act which is wrong and which can be punished by the law. There are some acts which are penalized in some countries and in another countries the same acts aren`t. In many countries the suspect can`t be called guilty until the state proves it. Two the most essential points to a crime: Actus Reus and Mens Reus. When the court want to decide if the prisoner`s in the dock act caused death, it must be certain that the act was a substantial cause of the result. If an accusatory can prove that he wanted to defense himself, the court excuse his act. There are defenses of duress, insanity, intoxication, self-defense. Criminal law is one of the quickest growing range of the law.

2007 m. lapkričio 4 d., sekmadienis

Never again

The debate on capital punishment divides people into two groups, those who are for and those who are against it. Those who are for capital punishment think that murderers would think twice before killing someone if they knew that they might also be killed if they were caught. Also, the convicted murderer would not be set free after serving 20 years or less and would not be able to kill more people. Moreover, criminals should get what they deserve. Also, it is more rational to kill murderers than wasting taxpayers money for having them in prison. Nevertheless, sometimes innocent people are wrongly convicted and it takes time to prove it. It is impossible to brought back people who is dead. The other reason is that the state has no right to take a life than the individual.

2007 m. spalio 15 d., pirmadienis

Amnesty International

In 1960, Peter Benenson created a campaign for prisoners of conscience. They were in prison because of their political and religious beliefs. Now Amnesty International is the largest of many organizations in the world. It puts pressure on governments to observe human rights.
AI`s aim is a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights protected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. When the laws of a country violate human rights, Amnesty International protest to the government on moral grounds.
AI`s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression. Also, theirs mission freedom from discrimination.
Amnesty International has got a lot of achievements. In 1977, AI received the Nobel Peace Prize and the United Nations Human Rights prize a year later. In 1989, AI published a report about the use of the death penalty around the world. It was a big step for banning death penalty around the world. In 1994, Amnesty International organized its first global-ever universal campaign on the human rights of women.
Amnesty International works in Lithuania, too. Trafficking of women and theirs sexual abuse are almost the biggest sore subjects there.
Amnesty International is one of the most important organization in the world. It helps not to forget human rights and be fair to all people, respect their sexual or racial orientation.

2007 m. rugsėjo 20 d., ketvirtadienis

My Futute Profession

I am studying at the university of Mykolas Romeris, Law and Penitential activities. It is dynamic and modern university, where people can get high quality education.
I have chosen law and penitential acitivities because I like communicate with people. After four-year studies I wil get bachelor of law and then I could work in courts, prisons or maybe just be a lawyer. Then I will help people to solve their problems and maybe give penalties to criminals.
Nowadays I think it is very perspective to know laws and work with them, because every year crime rates are rising and more peole are looking for help. I`m not afraid of hard work if it helps to raise my skills.
In conclusion, I hope to have a job, which I will love.